Year of Establishment






The Internal Quality Assurance Cell, or IQAC, as its name suggests, is a structure designed to assist educational institutions in streamlining their operations and achieving their goals for learning. The main duty of IQAC is to guarantee the maintenance and improvement of quality. It guarantees the efficacy and efficiency of the steps taken and techniques employed to deliver high-quality education and assesses the extent to which each task is completed. Since improving quality is an ongoing activity, the IQAC will integrate into the institution's operations and seek to realize the objectives of maintaining and improving quality.


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is an essential institutional structure. The IQAC committee, which is made up of representatives from several administrative and academic departments, is in charge of creating and executing quality improvement programs. The group, which is chaired by a coordinator, also consists of academic staff, administrative personnel, student representatives, and outside specialists. Together, they strive to establish standards for quality, promote a culture that is learner-centered, record best practices, plan training initiatives, and gather stakeholder input.